I have a theory

help me become a b corporation

Here’s my theory.

Humanity and the planet both need us to B Better right now.

If we carry on as we have been for the last wee while, where does that lead us?

Worsening mental health.

Decreasing levels of meaning and purpose.

More biodiversity decline.

Greater disconnection in our communities.

Increased pollution etc, etc..?

This is the moment in time when we need to step up.

To get some good growing in the world.

Imagine a world where every business wasn’t just trying to minimise the damage it did, but instead was actively seeking to make the world a better place..?

But where do you start?

Well, I reckon it starts with knowing where you are right now.

And the best way to do that is to get a benchmark of how much good you are creating.

And the best way to do that right now is to get B Corp Certified.

B what?

Certified B Corps are a new form of business that seeks to balance purpose and profit.

This means that rather than solely focusing on profit maximisation, they consider the impact of their operations on their workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment.

And right now, it’s possibly the best and most rigorous independent verification of the social and environmental impact that your business is making.

But getting B Corp Certified is just the beginning.

What we really need is for business to go Beyond B Corp.

We need to get purpose at work in our organisations.

We need more people to go in pursuit of purpose so that they can extend their purpose horizon.

Ultimately, we need business to be regenerative, so that every dollar sold only makes a positive contribution.

So that together we can co-create a world where every human thrives in a way that’s regenerative to the planet.

And that’s what we are here for at Grow Good.

To help you go B Corp & Beyond.

If you are up for going on this journey together then maybe we should say hi…

#getbcorpcert #purposefuelledperformance #growgood #getpurposeatwork #inpursuitofpurpose #bcorpcertified

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