Stop your Brain Drain

So the borders open in NZ and the best and brightest might be fleeing!

But it seems that beyond the brain drain here employees around the world are restless for new horizons.

Some call it the Great Resignation.

Perhaps the Great Rethink is more appropriate…

When we pause from the busyness of business as many of us have over the last two years or so we start to connect to the real us at a deeper level.

We start to realise that maybe we aren’t living the best life we could be.

We recognise what I call the “Authenticity Gap” between whom I think I am and who I should have been.

We start searching for more meaning and purpose.

And the place we are most likely to express and connect to our purpose would be at work.

So maybe one thing you could contemplate as a business owner is going on a journey with your team to connect to that feeling of meaning.

Help your team connect to their #purposefuelledperformance.

That’s what we do at Grow Good.

If you want to keep and attract the best and brightest, maybe your business needs to be the best and brightest for the world?

Hit me up if you want to talk Purpose and B Corp!

In the meantime, if you want to check out 2 free e-books on these subjects drop me a message or comment below.

#getpurposeatwork #getbcorpcert #inpursuitofpurpose #growgood #businessforgood

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