Tag Archive for: AI and climate change

Why aren’t humans urgently addressing the climate crisis? We ask ChattyG

This post is the follow up to last week’s called Can AI Solve The Climate Crisis? We Ask ChattyG.
Because it turns out that ChattyG (aka ChatGPT or AI) has an excellent plan for reversing the climate emergency that is now threatening to bring about the extinction of all life on Earth. I mean, isn’t that the best news ever? We can solve the climate crisis! Oh wait, so if we have everything we need right now to sort this out, it begs the next question, why aren’t we doing it?
If we know all too well what needs to be done, why isn’t every nation on the planet pulling together and taking urgent, cohesive and galvanised action around this one single focus? Which is saving ourselves. Surely nothing else matters right now? Everything else is trivial in comparison. There are no jobs on a dead planet, no share markets, no businesses, schools, universities, hospitals, and so on. Yet what are politicians focusing on (particularly here in Aotearoa NZ in the run up to an election)? They’re campaigning on things like how they’re going to fix pot holes in the roads. It’s like arguing in the kitchen of a burning house about whether to have a floral or striped tablecloth.
In the face of such bewildering… what? Stupidity? Delusion? Denial? Inadequacy? (you choose) on the part of our human ‘leaders’, let’s once again ask ChattyG the big question: Why aren’t humans acting quickly enough to address the climate crisis?
Here’s what ChattyG had to say: The question of why humans aren’t acting quickly enough to address the climate crisis is complex and multifaceted. Several factors contribute to the relatively slow response to this urgent global issue:
  1. Lack of Awareness: Many people may not fully understand the gravity of the climate crisis, its immediate impacts, or its long-term consequences. Raising awareness and educating the public about climate change is crucial to drive action.
  2. Economic Interests: Fossil fuel industries and other sectors heavily invested in the status quo often resist change because transitioning to more sustainable practices can be economically challenging in the short term. This economic inertia can slow down progress.
  3. Political Obstacles: Climate policies can be highly divisive, with political leaders sometimes prioritising short-term interests or re-election campaigns over long-term environmental concerns. In some cases, climate denial or skepticism has played a role in delaying action.
  4. Global Coordination: Climate change is a global issue that requires international cooperation. Negotiating and implementing effective global agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, can be slow and challenging due to differing national interests.
  5. Psychological Distance: Some people perceive climate change as a distant or abstract issue, believing it won’t significantly affect them personally. This psychological distance can lead to inaction.
  6. Inequality: Vulnerable communities often bear the brunt of climate change’s effects, while those with more resources may feel less urgency to act. Addressing social and economic inequalities is intertwined with addressing the climate crisis.
  7. Technological and Infrastructural Challenges: Transitioning to renewable energy and sustainable practices often requires significant technological advancements and infrastructure changes, which can be time-consuming and costly.
  8. Human Nature: Humans are generally resistant to change, especially when it disrupts established habits and lifestyles. People may resist adopting more sustainable behaviours due to comfort, convenience, or inertia.
  9. Short-Term Focus: Many decision-makers prioritize short-term gains over long-term benefits. However, addressing climate change requires a long-term perspective that values sustainability over immediate profit.
  10. Complexity: Climate change is a highly complex issue with interconnected causes and consequences. Finding effective solutions requires navigating this complexity and implementing a wide range of policies and actions.

It’s essential to recognize that progress is being made, and there are efforts at various levels to address the climate crisis. However, the urgency of the issue calls for accelerated action, increased public awareness, political will, and widespread cooperation on a global scale. Overcoming these challenges and acting swiftly to mitigate and adapt to climate change remains one of humanity’s greatest collective tests.

I think ChattyG’s final pragmatic paragraph is a lovely way to end… it offers some hope: “It’s essential to recognize that progress is being made…” Yes. There are a lot of very determined people with brilliant minds who are working hard on this issue (sadly, few of them are politicians). Progress is being made and it is gaining momentum.

ChattyG also calls out the need for “widespread co-operation on a global scale”. This is the very reason I am a champion of the B Corp movement. B Corp is a global community of businesses that are seeking to transform our global economic system to one that values people and planet in equal measure to profit. Certified B Corps have made a commitment to no longer sacrifice people and planet for the sake of financial profit. Happily, they’re usually much more profitable for doing so, proving that true prosperity is when everybody wins – not just the one per cent.

The quicker we have a collective mindset shift on the real meaning of ‘success’ and redefine our ideas on this, the quicker we can harness the power, creativity, and innovation of the business sector to work on solving the climate crisis, rather than driving it.

Become a B Corp

Here at Grow Good, we exist to coach people through the process of becoming B Corp certified.

The B Corp Impact Assessment framework  is free to access and provides dozens of useful insights and opportunities for any business but it can be confusing and overwhelming.

We are consultants who have completed the official training provided by B Lab, the organisation that runs the B Corp certification programme. We live, breathe and sleep B Corp. We are your friendly B Corp buddies. We make it easier. We translate the questions into plain English and give you a host of template policies and example documents so you don’t have to start everything from scratch or reinvent the wheel. We show you how to unlock the big point scoring areas most relevant to your business.

Are you ready to go B Corp? It’s completely your decision but if you are, and if you think it would be helpful to have a guiding hand through the process, we’re here to help. Drop us a line or jump straight in and book a free 30 min discovery call with me.

Yours in purpose,

Ngā manaakitanga,




Can AI solve the climate crisis? We ask ChattyG

You can’t blink at the moment without someone assailing you with all the ways in which AI is going to ‘change everything’, ‘transform that’ or ‘revolutionise this’ or ‘steal your job’ or ‘take over the world’, ‘wipe out humanity*’… that kind of thing.

(*like we need any help with that)

We’re being led to believe that AI can do everything better and quicker than us humans. From taking two seconds to provide a recipe for tofu brownies (surprisingly delicious), to creating a marketing strategy for an old dogs’ retirement home, to writing a touching love song about squirrels (you can read the squirrel love song at the end of this blog), ChatGPT, aka ChattyG, is endlessly knowledgeable.

So since humans are so profoundly screwing up the whole reversing global warming and creating equal societies thing, I wondered if ChattyG could solve the climate crisis for us? Chatty was a little reticent at first but then in nanoseconds rattled off a solution (spoiler alert, it’s a lot like B Corp), here’s what Chatty says:

“The climate crisis requires a multifaceted approach involving governments, industries, scientists, and individuals working together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, protect and restore ecosystems, and develop sustainable practices. Some key actions that can help address the climate crisis include:

  1. Transition to Renewable Energy: Moving away from fossil fuels and investing in renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower can significantly reduce carbon emissions.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Improving energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, and industries can lead to reduced energy consumption and emissions.
  3. Reforestation and Conservation: Protecting and restoring forests and other ecosystems can help absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and preserve biodiversity.
  4. Promote Sustainable Agriculture: Implementing sustainable agricultural practices can reduce emissions from livestock and land use changes.
  5. Carbon Pricing: Implementing carbon pricing mechanisms, such as carbon taxes or cap-and-trade systems, can provide economic incentives for reducing emissions.
  6. Technological Innovation: Investing in research and development of clean technologies, carbon capture and storage, and sustainable transportation solutions can contribute to mitigating climate change.
  7. International Cooperation: Global collaboration is essential to address the climate crisis, as climate change is a cross-border issue that requires coordinated efforts.
  8. Education and Advocacy: Raising awareness about climate change and advocating for policy changes can drive public and political support for effective solutions.
  9. Reducing Consumer Waste: Minimizing waste and adopting sustainable consumption practices can reduce the environmental impact of production and disposal.
  10. Adaptation Strategies: Developing strategies to adapt to the impacts of climate change, such as rising sea levels and extreme weather events, is crucial for minimizing damage and ensuring resilience.

“Remember that addressing the climate crisis requires a collective effort, and solutions will vary based on regional contexts, socio-economic factors, and technological advancements. It’s important for individuals, communities, businesses, and governments to work together to make meaningful progress towards a sustainable future.”

Yep, couldn’t agree more on that last sentence, Chatty, it’s what the B Corp movement is all about.

Is it just me or does all that seem eminently sensible and straightforward? Those 10 actions are all we have to do and, bada boom, no climate crisis! No millions of climate refugees, no billions of animals, birds and insects dying from wildfires, floods, starvation or pollution, no unspeakable suffering. Easy peasy! It seems like a no brainer. I wonder why we aren’t just cracking on with it? I wonder if our politicians know about this list? Has anybody told them? I’ll drop an email to parliament…

Turns out, we know exactly how to get ourselves out of this mess, we’re just not taking the appropriate actions quickly and thoroughly enough. Why ever not? I guess that will be my next question for ChattyG, ‘why aren’t humans acting quickly enough to solve the climate crisis?’

Stay tuned for that post but in the meantime, here’s the squirrel love song (probably not gonna storm the charts, sorry ChattyG…)



(Verse 1) In a world of leaves and branches, where the trees stand tall, There’s a love story unfolding, a tale to enthrall. Two squirrels in the forest, their hearts in a whirl, In the dappled sunlight, they’re our squirrel lovebirds.

(Chorus) Oh, it’s a squirrel’s delight, under the moonlight, In this treetop romance, they’re taking flight. With their fluffy tails entwined, in the softest pines, This love story of squirrels, it forever shines.

(Verse 2) Through the canopy they chase, so nimble and spry, In their eyes, there’s a sparkle, a twinkle, a sigh. They gather acorns and dreams, under the azure sky, In this squirrel’s haven, love’s soaring high.

(Chorus) Oh, it’s a squirrel’s delight, under the moonlight, In this treetop romance, they’re taking flight. With their fluffy tails entwined, in the softest pines, This love story of squirrels, it forever shines.

(Bridge) They build a nest of dreams, where love’s song is heard, Among the rustling leaves, their hearts take flight like a bird. In each other’s embrace, they find their sweet reprieve, In this squirrel love song, they truly believe.

(Verse 3) Through all seasons they dance, in autumn’s golden hue, In winter’s cozy embrace, their love stays true. In spring, they find blossoms, in summer, the shade, This squirrel’s love story, in every way, is well-played.

(Chorus) Oh, it’s a squirrel’s delight, under the moonlight, In this treetop romance, they’re taking flight. With their fluffy tails entwined, in the softest pines, This love story of squirrels, it forever shines.

(Outro) So let’s raise a toast, to our squirrel friends above, In the heart of the forest, they’ve found a lasting love. In this woodland serenade, let’s all be inspired, By the love story of squirrels, forever admired.