The Benefit of B Corp in the Food and Beverage Sector

Looking forward to delivering my keynote “B Corp Is Better Business” to the attendees at the Natural Health Products NZ conference in Napier this month.

Hopefully, MC and adventurer Jamie Fitzgerald won’t make me walk for 1435kms and then row across a huge lake unsupported to get to the stage…

If you are in the natural health, food and beverage or health and beauty sectors then you really should be looking at B Corp as you can see how they make up a large percentage of the B Corp global community. It’s even more the case if you are exporting or planning on exporting into certain global markets.

For example, in the UK you’ll see that Waitrose even lets you search by B Corp brands on their online store.

And what’s more, recent stats from the pandemic period show once more how B Corp Certified brands proved to be more resilient.

At Grow Good, we have already recently helped twice, Heilala Vanilla and Jeuneora on their B Corp journey and currently have a few more awesome brands about to come through.

If you want to know more about the business case for B Corp in your business don’t forget to check out this free e-book on just that. And if you want some specific info on the ROI of B Corp for the consumer goods sector drop me a note to and I’ll hook you up!

And don’t forget if you want to learn more about B Corp and if it could be the right thing for you we have:

➡️ Our free e-book “To B Or Not To B; The What, Why & How of B Corp” is the DEFINITIVE guide to B Corp –

➡️ “The B Better Podcast” where we talk to B Corps about their journey –

➡️ And our YouTube channel here for more B Corp-related content –

Where you can learn more about it.

Feeling like you’re ready to B Better and want to see if we can help?

Well then feel free to have a chat with us by booking a call here