B Corp Consultants. What are they?

What are B Corp Consultants?

B Consultants or B Leaders are specialist consultants that have successfully undertaken training by B Lab (the organisation that administers the B Corp Certification).

This training ensures they are able to facilitate B Lab’s Impact Assessment process for companies interested in becoming a B Corporation.

When you begin the assessment it can seem overwhelming so these qualified consultants can help.

“Gaining B Corporation Status is a rigorous but achievable process and companies can benefit from my years of experience as I guide them through the process”, says Tim Jones, CEO, Grow Good Ltd

Additionally, B Consultants are also ambassadors for the B Corporation movement in different countries around the world.

“We spread the word about B Corporations, who they are, and grow the movement”

Why engage a B Corp Consultant?

If doing good was easy, we’d all be doing it.

And it’s kind of the same with B Corp Certification.

That’s why at Grow Good, we specialise in helping businesses just like yours, in navigating the B Corp Impact Assessment and maximising your score. 

Typically, we find our clients sit in 1 of these 3 categories:

  1. You have started the Assessment but have gotten overwhelmed or just ran out of steam

  2. You haven’t started the Assessment but want to complete it as quickly and efficiently as possible

  3. You have completed the Assessment but didn’t reach the 80/200 benchmark and need a hand establishing relevant impact improvement goals, in order to get there.

Most of our clients have the skillset to complete the Assessment, but have all said one or more of these things to us:

  • I’m not sure I’m answering all the questions correctly

  • I don’t understand what some of the questions are asking me
  • I find it hard to make time to just sit down and go through the Assessment

  • I feel like I’m completing this in isolation and just want to have some confidence in what I’m doing

  • I don’t have time to think about, let alone create, all the policy documents I’ll need for Certification

  • I want to connect with other people and businesses going through the journey

Essentially, they all want someone who can help them get Certified with ease, speed and efficiency.  

Someone who will guide them step-by-step through the Certification process. 

Someone who will be there to help them until they’ve pressed submit and have the B Corp Certificate hanging proudly on their wall.

Someone, like us. 

We are a leading consultancy firm that specialises in helping businesses just like yours to go B Corp and Beyond.

It’s like you’re taking an open book exam, but you never took notes – we have taken the exam multiple times, have all the notes, a lot of the answers, and we are keen to share! 

Our founder Tim Jones is one of the world’s top B Corp Consultants.  He has been working with companies to navigate the B Corp Impact Assessment since 2017 and Grow Good was the 6th Business in New Zealand to certify as a B Corporation.

Since then that time Grow Good has helped in excess of 60 companies from around the world successfully complete the B Corporation impact assessment.

Beyond his consulting for the certification, he delivers inspirational, motivational, memorable and impactful consulting, training and coaching to individuals and organisations around impact improvement, to increase their B Corp score and connect to higher levels of purpose.

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