New wave of medical B Corps in Australasia

Medicine. It’s all about putting people first, but what about the planet? What happened to ‘first, do no harm’?

From oceans of single-use plastic items to hazardous medical waste ending up in landfill, plus massive carbon emissions and energy-intensive processes in medical manufacturing, the medical industry is an environmental nightmare with a woeful and significant environmental footprint.

Oh how ironic that an industry that aspires to improve human health is helping bring out the collapse of the ecosystems vital for human survival. HA HA HA! Ha ha ha… haaa… ha. Ha. Ha. Ah. Sigh.

With demand for medical services soaring, the industry urgently needs to adopt more sustainable practices, minimise waste, and address the broader environmental challenges that come with providing life-saving healthcare.

Which is why it’s great to see a new wave of medical businesses redefining the norm, and setting themselves apart not just with ground-breaking devices, but also with a firm commitment to social and environmental responsibility.

So say a big sustainable hello to three newly B Corp Certified Kiwi and Aussie medical equipment companies working to revolutionise healthcare and create greater sustainability in all its forms.

1. Tasman Trolleys and Medical Equipment

From their award-winning manufacturing site in Taranaki New Zealand,  Tasman has made medical trolleys, carts and cabinets for over 65 years. A recent ownership change gave the team an opportunity to “take a fresh look at how we could align some of our historical practices” with their modern-day values.

Focused on local manufacturing and recycling efforts, Tasman sources all of its materials from New Zealand, including natural anodised aluminium. Known for its durability, this unique aluminium can be recycled indefinitely due to its high intrinsic value, and it’s not uncommon to see a Tasman trolley still in use after 20+ years.

Their one tip for navigating the certification process? “Get the help of a B Consultant.”

2. MedSalv

MedSalv is the only company in the Southern Hemisphere that’s remanufacturing single-use medical devices to bring them back to hospitals for safe reuse.

“At the heart of the healthcare conundrum is an industry that is essential for human wellbeing, but environmentally, it’s a disaster,” says MedSalv management.

By diverting devices from landfill and preserving raw materials, Medsalv is significantly reducing the environmental burden of new product manufacturing throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. With a focus on supply chain sustainability and local manufacturing, they also prioritise sustainability in a social sense by employing people facing barriers to employment.

£heir one tip for navigating the certification process? “Get the help of a B Consultant.” [Are you seeing a theme here? #justsaying]

3. Medenterprises

Focused on the wellbeing of healthcare professionals and the belief that a well-staffed healthcare system, with fulfilled medical professionals, leads to better patient outcomes, B Corp Medenterprises is helping to create a healthier and happier society for all.

Comprising Medrecruit and Medworld, the company is one of Australasia’s largest medical recruitment agencies. It uses its vast network to connect doctors and other medical professionals with better permanent and locum job opportunities — a ‘worklife operating system’ using technology to connect healthcare workers and employers.

Their top tip for navigation the certification process? “See the process not as something arduous but as investing in personal and professional development for your business.” A B Corp consultant can help with that. Okay, we added that last sentence.

For more on the B Corps that are redefining sustainability in the medical field, read the B Lab Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand blog here.

Become a B Corp

Here at Grow Good, we exist to coach people through the process of becoming B Corp certified.

The B Corp Impact Assessment framework  is free to access and provides dozens of useful insights and opportunities for any business but it can be confusing and overwhelming.

We are consultants who have completed the official training provided by B Lab, the organisation that runs the B Corp certification programme. We live, breathe and sleep B Corp. We are your friendly B Corp buddies. We make it easier. We translate the questions into plain English and give you a host of template policies and example documents so you don’t have to start everything from scratch or reinvent the wheel. We show you how to unlock the big point scoring areas most relevant to your business.

Are you ready to go B Corp? It’s completely your decision but if you are, and if you think it would be helpful to have a guiding hand through the process, we’re here to help. Drop us a line or jump straight in and book a free 30 min discovery call with me.

Yours in purpose,

Ngā manaakitanga,


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